
Sme lokálni

What is the local economy?

Localization is a new human story based on the principles of connection and diversity. It consists in setting the scale of the economy back to the human level.

Localization is a broad concept that includes everything that is natural to a person, his needs: from (healthy) food, way of life (community, relationships, connections), work (which he fulfills), vital environment and the like. Every local ecosystem and species, plant, insect, clean river, loose soil, all contribute in a unique way to the health and resilience of the whole - all these are the organs, vessels and tissues of the living organism of the Earth.

There are really many interesting associations, communities and projects in our area that we want to let you know - so that we can inspire each other for good. Yes, good things happen here too. If each of us talks among our friends or colleagues, finally about something that makes sense and what the possibilities are, then we have a chance to change. We can do it together!


Local Futures Alter Nativa Nakladatelství Peoplecomm Škola permakultúry